Friday, January 29, 2010

Traditional Dress


Women's traditional dress, especially in Yogya and Solo court families, consisting of :

  1. Jarit or Tapih or Sinjang
    A 'kain panjang' (long cloth of batik) measuring around 2 m x 1 m to cover the lower body, tightened with stagen (large waist band)
  2. Kebaya
    It is a traditional long sleeved shirt (the material used is not from batik, usually from silk and other fine materials).
  3. Selendang
    It is used as attractive piece of clothing to compliment the traditional dress. The 2 m x 0,5 m selendang cloth hung over one shoulder.
  4. Kemben or Semekan
    It is special for ceremonies in Karaton (palace) or Royal family ceremonies. Instead of wearing Kebaya, to cover the upper body, a kemben is worn.
Men's Traditional Dresses
  1. Jarit or Bebed
    Men kain panjang, tightened with stagen.
  2. Surjan
    Men traditional long sleeved shirt (only for Yogya style) and the material is not batik.
  3. Beskap
    Instead of wearing surjan, the men wear a coat (beskap of Solo style or Atila of Yogya style), the materials is not batik.
  4. Blangkon
    It is a headgear made from batik.
  5. Keris
    The dagger is worn at backside of the waist, as a compliment to the dress.

Is a very long jarit to cover the lower body. It is worn only on a very special occasion such as the king coronation by the king himself. The wearing of dodot or kampuhan is very complicated. It may take two hours to wear a dodot with the help of specialist-dressers!

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